This week l had an epic cake to make for my nephew Diesel who was turning 4!! He was having a Super Hero's and Princesses Party and so l set out to make a cake for D'man our own little super hero!! Now of course l could have made a cake that was simple such as a superman emblem but no no no that would then not be a Larissa cake!!! I do like to complicate my life and make things quite difficult for myself but maybe l do this so then l will have something to write about??? Or maybe l just have these HUGE Grandiose ideas that fill my head and l have to see them come to fruition!! Mmmmm l think l like the later reason!!!
Now l have to say that whilst making this SUPER cake l did battle a case of the tantrums and not from my 3 year old oh no it was from me!! Yes me!!! But l will explain a bit later on how this came to be!! For now l will talk about the cake!! I had set out to make a superman figure out of fondant on Wednesday and l have to say l did quite an amazing job as it was only my second fondant figure and it worked out much better than the Fairy!! I then allowed quite a few days for it to dry so that when it was to be put on top of the cake it would come off of the baking paper nice and easy!! I had been expecting a delivery of white chocolate fondant on Wednesday to use to cover the cake and make the stars out of which of course didn't come in until Friday lunchtime so l have to say l was mildly stressing as my sister-in-law really prefers this to the royal icing and l do too!! So Friday arvo l set about making the stars and hoping they would dry by Sunday which thankfully they did but we did have to do quite a bit of lounge eating as l needed the kitchen table!! Of course there were no objections from the kids!!
Now Saturday l was busy all day so l had allocated the evening to make the choc mud cakes and they all went to plan and then l just needed them to cool so in the morning l could roll out the white choc fondant which l cleverly coloured on the Sat evening whilst the cakes were cooking and thank goodness l did as l was really starting to run out of time!!! The Party was to start at 2pm on Sunday so we had to leave by 1pm to get there on time!! But of course l would encounter another challenge as it was only on Saturday night that l realised that my son didn't have any pants that fit him to wear for his costume as he was going as Indiana Jones and he had outgrown his boots so that meant an early dash to the shops on Sunday but of course they don't open until 9.30am! So l worked on the cake from 7.30am in the morning until 9.30am icing and stacking and arranging all of the decorations to go on the top when here comes my tantrum bit ..... l realised l did not have enough white marshmallow clouds to go on the top cake so l would have to put them on the list of things to buy when l went out which was fine as l was going out anyways!!!
My husband did mention at the time that why don't l use the chocolate clouds as well and make it look a bit stormy and well l carried on like Veruka Salt in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when he made that remark!! NOOO!!! I WANT THEM TO ALL BE WHITE THEY HAVE TO BE WHITE I WILL JUST BUY SOME MORE!!! Now if l had listened to him in the first place which l don't like admitting then l would not have had a marshmallow melt down!! So you guessed it folks it does get worse!! So l left the house at 10am to go to the shops with Byron and Audrey and spent quite a bit of time getting him some clothes and shoes and cards and wrapping paper and then it was off to Coles to get some icing gel pens and the cloud marshmallows but there were none there so l thought well l will try the other Coles near us but drop the kids off first and help them get ready!! When l got home it was 11.30pm and l was frantically starting to stress out as the chocolate slabs for the buildings were not done yet and l still had to go to the shops again to find these darn clouds and l still had to have a shower and get ready!! So out l popped again at 12pm directing my very patient hubby to make the slabs for me whilst l was out and to perhaps colour half dark grey and the other half light grey!! Well he did make them but just did them in one colour and then he put the remaining chocolate in a metal bowl which when l came home l had another hissy fit as l said "now l can't re-melt it if l need to make more!!" and then on top of that the other Coles did not have the clouds and they had been discontinued so l had wasted 30 mins of my valuable time shopping for nothing!!!
So yes l went into a minor meltdown and cracked it fully at the thought of my husband being right in the first place and me being forced into using the chocolate marshmallow clouds!! Of course it ended up looking great but l was sooo annoyed with myself for my poor time management and not being able to complete the cake as l had envisioned it!! In saying that though everyone was mighty impressed and l finished the choc slab buildings when l was at the party and lucky l did as traveling all that way the slabs kept falling off and the gel icing was going everywhere so l was glad l only had to contend with keeping the front buildings intact!! Overall everything was ok and it was a FABULOUS Party and Em and Simon put in a lot of effort and the kids LOVED it!!
So my next project is my Belated 34th Birthday Party which will be a Ken & Party Party so stay tuned ........
I think the cake looks wonderful! And your line about Veruca Salt... haaa!!! Charlie & The Chocolate Factory is the greatest movie ever! :)
I agree!! Did you see the Charlie & The Chocolate factory Episode on Heston's Feasts?? Now that would have been a Party l would have liked to have gone to!! Fancy eating wall paper for entree!! Too Cool!