Today l was reminiscing about when my gorgeous baby boy Byron was born and how my life changed forever nearly 9 years ago on the morning he came into this big wide world! At first l found it hard being a Mum and felt overwhelmed by all of the demands on me and not being in control was a feeling that l had never been accustomed to so l had to learn to change and become more adaptable. Byron was the best thing that had ever happened to me and sent me on my journey into motherhood! Motherhood was something l never thought l would have embraced so eagerly and definitely l never thought it would be something that would define who l was but today l am happy to be a Mum and celebrate my achievements in life, my children!
Today l look at my gorgeous boy and l wonder "How did you get so big?" 9 years has just gone by so quickly and in another blink of an eye you will be a grown man and ready to spread your wings and fly away!! At night l still creep into his room and watch him sleep and give him a little kiss and whisper words of love and thanks for letting me be his mother! I feel truly blessed that this gentle soul decided to have me as his mum! Byron has helped me discover so many strengths l never thought l had and has given me the chance to also learn new abilities. My childhood was not ideal but l hope with my children's help l can be the parent l always wished l had as a child and their guidance will help me be the best person l can be!
So now to the lighter side of things!! I thought l would share with you my ABSOLUTE Favourite Party that l made for Byron!! It was his 6th Birthday Party to Adventure Island! I had so much fun creating this party and l hope you are inspired too! Firstly l made invitations that looked like old maps which l hand wrote and then tea stained and burned the edges! On the invitation l gave details of the explorer's itinerary and how to get to adventure island and l so wish l still had an invitation or had a photo but it was before l had even considered or heard of a blog so unfortunately l cannot share this with you!!
My objective was for the children to feel like they were Indiana Jones on a mission to explore uncharted territory and discover Adventure Island! I then set up the party in an old canvas tent which was a bit tattered but it really added to the feel of the party! All guests received a safari hat and binoculars upon arrival and were escorted to the tent where a low table was made out of an old door and covered in a jungle type print and the children sat on the grass around the table!
The table was complete with wooden leaf bowls filled with food and a large wooden fork and spoon and a pottery ball with a skull inside it so it looked rather Indiana Jones and there were snakes hanging from the roof and spiders and spider webs and the Children were all a little giddy with delight and then squeals and laughter filled the tent when the children drank the snake punch! We had many activities such as making a jungle bookmark where by l supplied the card and some jungle foam stickers and glitter paints and the children had fun creating and even had a few children want to make a couple!!
Then we had the "Cross Crocodile River!" where by my husband had two ropes set up for the kids to have to try and shuffle across without falling off and being eaten by crocodiles and then there was the ooey gooey search for treasure in the pot of spaghetti which l think l said was monkeys brains?? Then there was the Cubby house full of lolly spiders which the children had to be blindfolded and try and grab one in amongst the spider webs! Oh and then the jelly eyeball to eat which l think were a bit too real and put many of the kids off eating them!! ohhh l am sure there was much much more but l can't remember as it seems so long ago but it was my favourite party that l made for Byron but his cake well that was not that FABULOUS as Audrey was still a little baby so l didn't have as much time to create something exotic so it was a tree with bugs and vines all over it!

Hope you have had fun looking at Byron's 6th Birthday Party to Adventure Island and listening to my adventures as a Mum and now l am going to have a caffe latte and enjoy some of this sunshine!
Enjoy and remember to Bake, Create and Celebrate! (mmmmm this is now my tagline!! hahahaha!)